Data tables display sets of data.
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import * as React from 'react';
import { Table, DefaultCell } from '@itwin/itwinui-react';
export default () => {
const generateItem = React.useCallback((index, parentRow = '', depth = 0) => {
const keyValue = parentRow ? `${parentRow}.${index + 1}` : `${index + 1}`;
const rating = Math.round(Math.random() * 5);
return {
product: `Product ${keyValue}`,
price: ((index % 10) + 1) * 15,
quantity: ((index % 10) + 1) * 150,
rating: rating,
status: rating >= 4 ? 'positive' : rating === 3 ? 'warning' : 'negative',
depth < 1
? Array(Math.round(index % 2))
.map((_, index) => generateItem(index, keyValue, depth + 1))
: [],
}, []);
const data = React.useMemo(
() =>
.map((_, index) => generateItem(index)),
const columns = React.useMemo(
() => [
id: 'product',
Header: 'Product',
accessor: 'product',
width: '40%',
id: 'price',
Header: 'Price',
accessor: 'price',
Cell: (props) => {
return <>${props.value}</>;
id: 'rating',
Header: 'Rating',
accessor: 'rating',
cellRenderer: (props) => {
return (
const rowProps = React.useCallback((row) => {
return {
status: row.original.status,
}, []);
return (
<div className='demo-container'>
emptyTableContent='No data.'
Tables are an important element in most web-based applications. We’ve presented a set of flexible standards to allow for a variety of table styles. As always, the specifics of how you style your table should be determined by the desired user experience and the goals of the application.
Bentley makes extensive use of tables and data grids throughout its web applications. Use the following flexible grid format below in most circumstances as it provides functionality “built in” to the design, and because users learning how to consistently sort, filter, and search tables is an important skill to leverage.
Prop | Description | Default |
data | Table data list.
Must be memoized. Supports expandable sub-rows using the subRows field in data entries.
If some rows don't have sub-data, it is recommended to pass an empty array to subRows for consistent spacing.T[] | |
columns | List of columns. Should not have a top-level Header or a columns sub-property. They are only allowed to be passed for backwards compatibility.
See migration guide.Column<T>[] | |
initialState | Partial<TableState<T>> | |
stateReducer | (newState: TableState<T>, action: ActionType, previousState: TableState<T>, instance?: TableInstance<T>) => TableState<...> | |
useControlledState | (state: TableState<T>, meta: MetaBase<T>) => TableState<T> | |
defaultColumn | Partial<Column<T>> | |
getSubRows | (originalRow: T, relativeIndex: number) => T[] | |
getRowId | (originalRow: T, relativeIndex: number, parent?: Row<T>) => string | |
autoResetHiddenColumns | boolean | |
manualRowSelectedKey | string | |
autoResetSelectedRows | boolean | |
selectSubRows | boolean | |
manualExpandedKey | string | |
paginateExpandedRows | boolean | |
expandSubRows | boolean | |
autoResetExpanded | boolean | |
manualFilters | boolean | |
disableFilters | boolean | |
defaultCanFilter | boolean | |
filterTypes | FilterTypes<T> | |
autoResetFilters | boolean | |
pageCount | number | |
manualPagination | boolean | |
autoResetPage | boolean | |
globalFilter | string | ((rows: Row<T>[], columnIds: IdType<T>[], filterValue: any) => Row<T>[]) | |
manualGlobalFilter | boolean | |
autoResetGlobalFilter | boolean | |
disableGlobalFilter | boolean | |
autoResetResize | boolean | |
manualSortBy | boolean | |
defaultCanSort | boolean | |
disableMultiSort | boolean | |
isMultiSortEvent | (e: MouseEvent<Element, MouseEvent>) => boolean | |
maxMultiSortColCount | number | |
disableSortRemove | boolean | |
disabledMultiRemove | boolean | |
orderByFn | (rows: Row<T>[], sortFns: OrderByFn<T>[], directions: boolean[]) => Row<T>[] | |
sortTypes | Record<string, SortByFn<T>> | |
autoResetSortBy | boolean | |
columnResizeMode | Column's resize mode.
- fit - when resizing it affects current and the next column,
e.g. when increasing width of current column, next column's width will decrease.
- expand - when resizing it affects only the current column,
e.g. when increasing width of the current column, next column's width remains the same."fit" | "expand" | 'fit' |
isLoading | Flag whether data is loading. boolean | false |
emptyTableContent | Content shown when there is no data. ReactNode | |
isSelectable | Flag whether table rows can be selectable. boolean | false |
onSelect | Handler for rows selection. Must be memoized.
This is triggered only by user initiated actions (i.e. data change will not call it). (selectedData: T[], tableState?: TableState<T>) => void | |
onRowClick | Handler for when a row is clicked. Must be memoized. (event: MouseEvent<Element, MouseEvent>, row: Row<T>) => void | |
selectionMode | Modify the selection mode of the table.
The column with checkboxes will not be present with 'single' selection mode. "multi" | "single" | 'multi' |
isSortable | Flag whether table columns can be sortable. boolean | false |
onSort | Callback function when sort changes.
Use with manualSortBy to handle sorting yourself e.g. sort in server-side.
Must be memoized.(state: TableState<T>) => void | |
onBottomReached | Callback function when scroll reaches bottom. Can be used for lazy-loading the data. () => void | |
onRowInViewport | Callback function when row is in viewport. (rowData: T) => void | |
intersectionMargin | Margin in pixels when row is considered to be already in viewport. Used for onBottomReached and onRowInViewport .number | 300 |
subComponent | A function that will be used for rendering a component for each row if that row is expanded.
Component will be placed right after the row. Can return false/null if row should not be expandable. (row: Row<T>) => ReactNode | |
expanderCell | A function used for overriding default expander cell. subComponent must be present.
Make sure to trigger cellProps.row.toggleRowExpanded() .(cellProps: CellProps<T>) => ReactNode | |
onExpand | Handler for row expand events. Will trigger when expanding and collapsing rows. (expandedData: T[], tableState?: TableState<T>) => void | |
onFilter | Callback function when filters change.
Use with manualFilters to handle filtering yourself e.g. filter in server-side.
Must be memoized.(filters: TableFilterValue<T>[], state: TableState<T>, filteredData?: Row<T>[]) => void | |
globalFilterValue | Value used for global filtering.
Use with globalFilter and/or manualGlobalFilter to handle filtering yourself e.g. filter in server-side.
Must be memoized.unknown | |
emptyFilteredTableContent | Content shown when there is no data after filtering. ReactNode | |
isRowDisabled | Function that should return true if a row is disabled (i.e. cannot be selected or expanded).
If not specified, all rows are enabled. (rowData: T) => boolean | |
rowProps | Function that should return custom props passed to the each row.
Must be memoized. (row: Row<T>) => ClassAttributes<HTMLDivElement> & HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement> & { status?: "positive" | ... 1 more ... | "negative"; isLoading?: boolean; } | |
density | Modify the density of the table (adjusts the row height). "default" | "condensed" | "extra-condensed" | 'default' |
selectRowOnClick | Flag whether to select a row when clicked anywhere inside of it. boolean | true |
paginatorRenderer | Function that takes TablePaginatorRendererProps as an argument and returns pagination component.Recommended to use TablePaginator . Passing props to TablePaginator handles all state management and is enough for basic use-cases.(props: TablePaginatorRendererProps) => ReactNode | |
pageSize | Number of rows per page. number | 25 |
isResizable | Flag whether columns are resizable.
In order to disable resizing for specific column, set disableResizing: true for that column.boolean | false |
styleType | Style of the table. "default" | "zebra-rows" | 'default' |
enableVirtualization | Virtualization is used for the scrollable table body.
Height on the table is required for virtualization to work. boolean | false |
enableColumnReordering | Flag whether columns can be reordered. boolean | false |
headerWrapperProps | Passes props to Table header wrapper. DetailedHTMLProps<HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>, HTMLDivElement> | |
headerProps | Passes props to Table header. DetailedHTMLProps<HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>, HTMLDivElement> | |
bodyProps | Passes custom props to Table body. DetailedHTMLProps<HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>, HTMLDivElement> | |
emptyTableContentProps | Passes custom props to empty table. DetailedHTMLProps<HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>, HTMLDivElement> | |
scrollToRow | Function that returns index of the row that you want to scroll to. When using with lazy-loading table, you need to take care that row is already loaded. It doesn't work with paginated tables. @beta (rows: Row<T>[], data: T[]) => number | |
id | string | |
className | string | |
style | CSSProperties |