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Shows a notification marker dot at the top right of the component.

import * as React from 'react';
import { NotificationMarker } from '@itwin/itwinui-react';
import { SvgNotification } from '@itwin/itwinui-icons-react';

export default () => {
  return (
    <NotificationMarker status='primary'>
      <SvgNotification />


The NotificationMarker component should be wrapped around the content which needs a marker/dot. This content is usually an icon, and is often used within an IconButton.

<IconButton label='Notifications' styleType='borderless'>
<SvgNotification />

Conditional rendering

There are many situations when the notification marker needs to appear/disappear depending on the application lifetime. Instead of conditionally rendering the NotificationMarker in such situations, the enabled prop can be used.

<NotificationMarker enabled={notifications.length > 0}>…</NotificationMarker>

When enabled is set to false, the DOM element will still be present, but the notification marker will not be displayed visually.


NotificationMarkers can have the follow statuses:

  • primary (default)
  • positive
  • warning
  • negative
  • white
import * as React from 'react';
import { NotificationMarker, IconButton, Text } from '@itwin/itwinui-react';
import { SvgNotification } from '@itwin/itwinui-icons-react';

export default () => {
  return (
    <div className='demo-container'>
      <IconButton label='Primary' styleType='borderless'>
        <NotificationMarker status='primary'>
          <SvgNotification />

      <IconButton label='Positive' styleType='borderless'>
        <NotificationMarker status='positive'>
          <SvgNotification />

      <IconButton label='Warning' styleType='borderless'>
        <NotificationMarker status='warning'>
          <SvgNotification />

      <IconButton label='Negative' styleType='borderless'>
        <NotificationMarker status='negative'>
          <SvgNotification />

      <IconButton label='White' styleType='high-visibility'>
        <NotificationMarker status='white'>
          <SvgNotification />

      <IconButton label='White' styleType='cta'>
        <NotificationMarker status='white'>
          <SvgNotification />

The white status is used on colored backgrounds, such as when using it in the high visibility or the call-to-action buttons.


To give a higher importance to the notification, you can use the pulsing prop to show a pulse effect around the marker.

Note: This prop should be used sparingly as it can be distracting to the user.

import * as React from 'react';
import { NotificationMarker, IconButton, Text } from '@itwin/itwinui-react';
import { SvgNotification } from '@itwin/itwinui-icons-react';

export default () => {
  return (
    <IconButton label='Notifications' styleType='borderless'>
      <NotificationMarker status='negative' pulsing>
        <SvgNotification />


Prop Description Default
Content of the NotificationMarker.
Status of notification
  • 'primary' = blue,
  • 'positive' = green,
  • 'warning' = orange,
  • 'negative' = red,
  • 'white' = white (useful for notifications in buttons with style = high-visibility | cta),
"primary" | "positive" | "warning" | "negative" | "white"
Adds a pulse effect to the notification.
WARNING: Avoid overuse of this prop.
Instead of conditionally rendering the NotificationMarker, the enabled prop can be used.
When enabled is set to false, the DOM element will still be present, but the notification marker will not be displayed visually.
"symbol" | "object" | "span" | "a" | "abbr" | "address" | "area" | "article" | "aside" | "audio" | "b" | "base" | "bdi" | "bdo" | "big" | "blockquote" | "body" | "br" | "button" | ... 160 more ... | FunctionComponent<...>